Mentions legales du site internet

Mentions legales du site internet

(En) Legal Notice of the Website

(En) Legal Notice of the Website

Date de la dernière mise à jour : 04/10/2024

Dénomination sociale: BATEMATES

Forme sociale: Société par Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle (SASU)

Président : M. Johan GUAMS

BATEMATES est une entreprise spécialisée dans l’édition et la distribution de vidéo avec du contenu pour adulte. Plus précisément, BATEMATES fournit un service de conversations vidéos en ligne au sein desquelles les utilisateurs peuvent présenter du contenu pornographique, dans la limite des règles imposées par la loi et le règlement. L’utilisation des services fournis par BATEMATES est exclusivement réservée aux personnes majeures. L’âge de la majorité applicable est celui applicable dans le pays ou l’état dans lequel réside la personne qui souhaite bénéficier des services de la Société. La Société BATEMATES propose un système d’abonnement mensuel permettant l'accès à l’ensemble de la plateforme.

Siège social : 19 RUE LAMANDE, 75017 PARIS 

RCS n°928 416 635 RCS PARIS / SIREN : 928 416 635 / SIRET: 92841663500011

Date d’immatriculation : 02/05/2024

Capital social : 1 000,00 €

Numéro de TVA intracommunautaire : FR65928416635

Téléphone : +33658003798

Courriel :

Site : / BATEMATES est l'éditeur de ce site / Le directeur de la publication est Monsieur Johan GUAMS, en sa qualité de représentant légal de BATEMATES / Le Site est hébergé par Framer via Amazon Web Services (AWS) 

Cadre juridique : Ce site et son contenu sont régis par les lois françaises. Tout litige éventuel relatif au site et à son contenu relève de la compétence des tribunaux français.

Company name: BATEMATES

Legal form: Simplified Single-Person Joint-Stock Company (SASU)

President: Mr. Johan GUAMS

BATEMATES is a company specialized in the publishing and distribution of videos containing adult content. Specifically, BATEMATES provides an online video conversation service where users can present pornographic content, within the limits imposed by law and regulations. The use of services provided by BATEMATES is strictly reserved for adults. The applicable age of majority is that which applies in the country or state where the person wishing to access the Company’s services resides. BATEMATES offers a monthly subscription system that grants access to the entire platform.

Registered Office: 19 RUE LAMANDE, 75017 PARIS

RCS No. 928 416 635 RCS PARIS / SIREN: 928 416 635 / SIRET: 92841663500011

Date of registration: 02/05/2024

Share capital: €1,000.00

VAT Number: FR65928416635

Phone: +33658003798


Website: / BATEMATES is the publisher of this site / The publication director is Mr. Johan GUAMS, in his capacity as the legal representative of BATEMATES / The site is hosted by Framer via Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Legal Framework: This site and its content are governed by French law. Any potential dispute related to the site and its content falls under the jurisdiction of French courts.



La langue officielle du site Web est l'anglais. 

(En) Language

(En) Language

The official language of the website is English.



BATEMATES s'engage à rendre son site accessible à tout moment mais ne saurait être tenu pour responsable en cas d'indisponibilité, pour quelque cause que ce soit.

BATEMATES ne peut garantir l'exactitude et l'exhaustivité des informations présentes sur son site et sa totale sécurité informatique.

L'utilisateur reconnaît utiliser les informations et outils disponibles sur le site sous sa responsabilité exclusive.

(En) Liability

(En) Liability

BATEMATES is committed to making its website accessible at all times but cannot be held responsible in the event of unavailability, for any reason.

BATEMATES cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information on its website nor its complete cybersecurity.

The user acknowledges that they use the information and tools available on the website at their own exclusive responsibility.

Virus, piratage et autres infractions

Virus, piratage et autres infractions

Vous ne devez en aucun cas abuser de notre site Web en introduisant des virus, chevaux de Troie, vers, fichiers corrompus, bombes logiques, ou tout autre matériel ou logiciel malveillant ou technologiquement nuisible. Toute tentative d'accès non autorisé à notre site Web, à ses serveurs, ou à tout autre serveur, ordinateur ou base de données connecté est strictement interdite. De même, vous ne devez pas attaquer notre site via une attaque par déni de service ou une attaque par déni de service distribué.

(En) Viruses, Hacking, and Other Offenses

(En) Viruses, Hacking, and Other Offenses

You must not misuse our website by introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, corrupted files, logic bombs, or any other malicious or technologically harmful software or materials. Any attempt to gain unauthorized access to our website, its servers, or any server, computer, or database connected to it is strictly prohibited. Likewise, you must not attack our website via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.

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©2024 Batemates SAS All rights reserved.

The services available on this website are provided by BATEMATES. Depending on the jurisdiction of the payer, payments may be processed through BATEPAY LTD, acting as a payment agent of BATEMATES. The choice of payment processing entity does not affect the nature of the services provided.

18 U.S.C. § 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement

All models, actors, and other persons that appear in any visual depiction of actual or simulated sexual conduct appearing on this website were at least 18 years old at the time of the creation of such depictions.

The records required by 18 U.S.C. § 2257 and associated regulations are maintained by the custodian of records at the following location:
Custodian of Records: Johan Guams

Address: 19 rue Lamandé 75017 Paris


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Batemates, a safe space for all thanks to

©2024 Batemates SAS All rights reserved.

The services available on this website are provided by BATEMATES. Depending on the jurisdiction of the payer, payments may be processed through BATEPAY LTD, acting as a payment agent of BATEMATES. The choice of payment processing entity does not affect the nature of the services provided.

18 U.S.C. § 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement

All models, actors, and other persons that appear in any visual depiction of actual or simulated sexual conduct appearing on this website were at least 18 years old at the time of the creation of such depictions.

The records required by 18 U.S.C. § 2257 and associated regulations are maintained by the custodian of records at the following location:
Custodian of Records: Johan Guams

Address: 19 rue Lamandé 75017 Paris


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Batemates, a safe space for all thanks to

©2024 Batemates SAS All rights reserved.

The services available on this website are provided by BATEMATES. Depending on the jurisdiction of the payer, payments may be processed through BATEPAY LTD, acting as a payment agent of BATEMATES. The choice of payment processing entity does not affect the nature of the services provided.

18 U.S.C. § 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement

All models, actors, and other persons that appear in any visual depiction of actual or simulated sexual conduct appearing on this website were at least 18 years old at the time of the creation of such depictions.

The records required by 18 U.S.C. § 2257 and associated regulations are maintained by the custodian of records at the following location:
Custodian of Records: Johan Guams

Address: 19 rue Lamandé 75017 Paris
